Monday, July 26, 2004 Message Forums - A good 22 target pistol? Message Forums - A good 22 target pistol?: "hi standard hi standard hi standard hi standard. ruger is a poor mans pistol with quirks that eventually will cause you bad habits. go with a tournament or sharpshooter grade hi standard in either slant grip or military frame. any of the 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, or ML series will do. just make it a pre 77 'hamden ct' made gun. they dont have the annoying rear sight bridge that gets in your way clearing the slide. citations and trophies do. thats why so many are unloading them on gb and the others are so hard to find. victors have a tuff time pulling the slide back. its a top of the line gun, but its just a pain if you compete a lot. medalists have fat grips for big hands. they are finiky with what 22 they shoot w/o jamming. elays seem to work, but very expensive. 41's have bad safety problems that unless you address, it can cost you a match. but if you alter it, you get disqualified because the gun was modified. trust me. trust my title. i know these things.

former air operations officer SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 2. former navy skeet team, former navy rifle/pistol team member. co-owner skeetmaster tubes inc.. owner/operator professional shooting instruction."


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